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Epilepsy Action campaign film receives media applause

A film to raise awareness of how to support a person having an epileptic seizure is receiving positive media attention for health charity Epilepsy Action, including coverage by BBC Breakfast.

The campaign video has been devised and produced by Leeds-based video firm On the Ark, and relies on a simple shorthand: C-A-R-E (Comfort, Action, Reassure, Emergency), to provide advice on the simple steps that people can take to help someone having a seizure.

Creative director Alex Wright explains: “We worked closely with Epilepsy Action to create the campaign C.A.R.E. It’s a concise memory hook to remind people how to respond when faced with someone having an epileptic seizure. With C.A.R.E., an epileptic seizure needn’t be scary.”

Jon Eatoncommunications and digital engagement director at Epilepsy Action says: “For most people with epilepsy the fear of having a seizure in public is very real. It could result in feeling humiliated, serious injury or even death. General public awareness of how to administer epilepsy first aid is very limited. We wanted to show people they don’t need to be experts and a few simple steps can make all the difference.

“On The Ark helped us to do this by really focusing our messaging. All you have to do is CARE. This stands for:

C – Comfort: Cushion their head with something soft to protect them from injury.

A – Action: Start to time the seizure, and clear the area of anything that might be harmful. You could also check if the person has a medical ID or bracelet with more information on how to help.

– Reassure: After the seizure stops, put the person in the recovery position and reassure them.

E – Emergency: Call 999 if the person: is not regaining consciousness; goes straight into another seizure; has trouble breathing after the seizure stops; has never had a seizure before.

Jon adds: “We have been blown away by the reaction our video has had. It secured prime time coverage including a 12-minute slot on BBC Breakfast, key regional BBC radio stations and over 200K views across our social media accounts in the first two weeks after launch, with very little promotion. The execution itself was brilliantly done. By hearing directly from the person with epilepsy, viewers understand why this advice matters. It makes our message feel more powerful, authentic and memorable.”

Alex Wright says: “Within the first 24 hours of its launch, our C.A.R.E. film garnered over 1,100 likes on Epilepsy Action’s Instagram – making it their highest-rated post by a considerable margin, compared to their average 50-250 likes per post. We’re delighted to have supported Epilepsy Action in their important educational campaign.”



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