weight loss

Low-carb diet really does work better

Summer time is a perfect season to start a healthy diet, but trying to lose weight can be hard work…

Another good reason to follow the 5:2 diet

Intermittent energy restriction diets, such as the 5:2 diet, clears fat from the blood quicker after eating meals than daily…

Lose the scales when losing weight

Losing weight is quite a battle. It requires an endless amount of discipline, both in the kitchen and in the…

An insight into obesity

In tribal societies, obesity is often seen as a sign of health and beauty. However, in the developed world it…

Conference call to weight loss

Conference calling has been used by the business community for great effect for years, but it has also been helping…

Weight loss; eat more and exercise less!

When I hear people being advised to exercise more and eat less to lose weight, I despair because the conventional…

Mood and weight loss

Studies have shown that dieting does have an effect on psychological wellbeing. Famous early studies in the 20th century on…

Yo-yoing bad for skin and bones

Yo-yo dieting has one very obvious effect on skin – constantly losing and regaining weight can leave permanent stretch marks…

5 Foods That Enhance Weight Loss

Can certain foods really help you control your weight and lose pounds in time for summer? Salmon Oily fish such…

Burning to be slim

Demand for weight loss solutions is growing, driven by the rising number of people who are clinically obese (with a…

Amazing cacti

They may be prickly to the touch and bitter to the taste, but cacti, and other spiky desert plants, have…

Amazing Grapefruit

Breakfasting on half a grapefruit has long been seen as one of the healthiest ways to start the day, but the…

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