Lose the scales when losing weight

Losing weight is quite a battle. It requires an endless amount of discipline, both in the kitchen and in the gym. You need to consistently and regularly move your body, building an exercise routine which suits you, but you also need to keep a healthy and balanced lifestyle at home, eating everything in moderation and living with a balanced diet. In essence, a rule of eat less and move more tends to work long term when it comes to losing weight, but we can be pretty impatient and want to see results in an instant. When we’re working hard on achieving a goal it can be natural to want to see changes in your body straight away – but this is the one mistake you’re making when trying to lose weight quickly.

When we’re working hard on achieving a goal it can be natural to want to see changes in your body straight away – but this is the one mistake you’re making when trying to lose weight quickly.  

That mistake, is simply, focusing on the number on the scales. When it comes to losing weight – we traditionally measure success by the number on the scale. We want to lose a physical amount of weight and we want to step on the scale and see a smaller number. Measuring the amount of pounds we’ve lost is how we attribute success to our workout routine, and whilst of course, if you’re doing things properly you will lose weight, it can be detrimental to focus solely on the scales, because there are so many other contributing factors that can show you that what you’re doing is working.

Also remember to invest in workout gear which fits well, makes you feel fabulous and helps you to get the most out of your workout, and you’ll see a difference in your results.


A huge thing to remember when it comes to working out, is how regular exercising and eating well makes you feel. Your increased energy and the positive endorphins floating around your body thanks to working out is a fantastic indicator that a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for you. If you’re not seeing the staggering weight loss you’d hoped for on the scales, but you’re feeling better in yourself – focus on that and be patient, the rest will come.


Often we focus on pounds lost when really we neglect to think about the different ways in which our body can change. Measuring the inches around key areas of your body and monitoring the change in them can be an incredibly encouraging way to notice changes in your body without being disheartened by the number on a scale.


Working out consistently and regularly will help you to build strength, and paying attention to your strength and how it changes as you progress throughout your fitness journey can be a key indicator for how you’re getting on. You’ll notice that you’ll be able to lift heavier, that your stamina will have increased and that you’ll be working with more reps as you lift which proves that what you’re doing is most definitely working.


Another great way to prove that your workout routine is working is to notice the change in your fitness levels the more that you work out. Notice how your cardio gets easier, allowing you to push your body further and for longer. Notice how much longer it takes for you to hit exhaustion. Notice how much easier it is to walk up the stairs or to run for the bus. Every improvement in your fitness is a sign you’re doing well.

Whilst it’s important to acknowledge your goals and track your weight loss as you work to meet your personal target, there are so many different benefits that exercise can bring to your life, and so many different ways that results can present themselves to you. Don’t get fixated by the number on the scales, measure your inches, track the changes in your body and notice your fitness improving. The journey is long but with hard work and dedication you will get there. Hard work always wins!

Keith McNiven: Keith McNiven is a British and National Wrestling Champion and the owner of Right Path Fitness.

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