
Healthy Ageing Psychology Research

Researchers from Northumbria University are asking adults aged 65 or over to spare some time to help with their latest…

Queen’s Nutrition Scientists Selected for International Research Projects

Two scientists from the Institute for Global Food Security (IGFS) at Queen’s University Belfast have been selected to participate in…

Nutrional Risks Replace Smoking as Society’s “Biggest Killer”

Non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and coronary disease accounted for the single-largest burden on the public purse…

The Perfect Diet? Phrases that Make Eating Disorder Dieticians Wince

“With the ‘wellness world’ forever growing, pursuit of the ‘healthiest’ diet is at an all-time high. Yet along the way,…

The Common Points between Carnivorous Inuit & Indian Vegetarians

In the early 1950s, the British scientific prophet Hugh Sinclair had already noted the remarkably low incidence of degenerative diseases…

Diet and its effect on Autism

How may diet and nutrition benefit those with Autism and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)? I see a considerable number of…

The critical role of phyto-nutrients

Phyto-nutrients are a broad range of micro-nutrients that are found in plants. They collectively play a critical role in plant…

Successful Ageing

Many more people are living longer in the UK, which is great news, but also means we have to look…

Leftovers can be good for you

Boxing day has arrived and we can all look forward to eating leftovers for the next few days. Take heart…

Good nutrition vital for breast cancer recovery

Good nutrition is vital if we want to maintain our health but it matters even more if we are recovering…

Why follow the Pioppi diet?

The Mediterranean diet focuses on healthy fats, unrefined carbohydrates, legumes, nuts and copious amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables, lean…

Vitamins for winter

It's important to take a combination of vitamins to keep you feeling good this Winter and to help prevent unwanted…

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