
“Baby Bust”: The Impact of COVID-19 on Declining Fertility Rates

Digital event: “Baby Bust”: The Impact of COVID-19 on Declining Fertility Rates: Thursday June 10, 2021 9:00am – 10:30am ET RSVP U.S. and…

Vaccinations: don’t be that person

Don't be that person. Would vaccines have saved Melbourne from this very concerning outbreak? Quite possibly. So don’t be that…

Coventry Uni and charity Mobility collaboration

Coventry University has collaborated with national disability charity Motability to recruit and sponsor a number of doctoral candidates to undertake…

How to prevent tooth decay

AROUND 20 MILLION UK ADULTS currently have signs of tooth decay – according to new data – even though it…

Single-dose radiotherapy for breast cancer

Single-dose radiotherapy for breast cancer confirmed to be suitable for most patients: Results from further analysis of the large international TARGIT-A…

Inequalities in disability report by the ILC

Inequalities in disability between richest and poorest in the UK more than tripled in past decades, new report finds A…

Long-term employment impact of pandemic

Next week the House of Lords COVID-19 Select Committee will hear from witnesses on the potential long-term impact the pandemic…

Covid restrictions here to stay?

How Covid-19 restrictions may be necessary for years to come: Covid-19 could continue to cause recurrent waves and deaths despite frequent…

Could ‘Brain-Computer Interface’ cure chronic pain?

Researchers at the University of East Anglia are launching a new project to see whether virtual reality could help with…

WHO: Long working hours increasing deaths

Long working hours increasing deaths from heart disease and stroke: WHO, ILO: Long working hours led to 745 000 deaths…

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