vitamin B12

Vitamin B12: A key player in cellular reprogramming

Vitamin B12 is a well-known micronutrient that has long been acknowledged for its essential role in maintaining nerve function, supporting…

Warning of vitamin B12 deficiency

Researchers call for action on vitamin B12 deficiency for people following plant-based diets. During Veganuary, leading researchers are warning of…

Red meat and the size of our brains

Many evolutionary biologists believe that a diet rich in red meat eaten by our ancestors was responsible for the dramatic…

Treating serious vitamin B12 deficiency

Have you heard about the NHS trust that recently introduced an incredibly brutal, and possibly illegal, form of drug rationing…

You don’t know what you’ve lost ‘til it’s gone…

Smell is a wonderful sense. It is intimately linked to our taste and our appreciation of foods and drinks. It…

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