mental health

How your pet can benefit your mental health

In the UK, 52% of adults own at least one pet. Frankly, this is no surprise: animals are adorable, loving, and a…

How to fight pharmacophobia

Fighting Pharmacophobia.  There are many reasons why patients don’t always adhere to their prescribed therapies. Sometimes, people halt their course…

Schools: Disruption leading to anxiety and toxic stress

Pupils have been seriously impacted the by disruption in schools and has led to increased levels of anxiety and stress,…

Are Health-Tracking Apps Helping or Hindering Your Journey to Well-Being?

Smartphone apps often have the answer to many of our pressing, daily questions. What is the weather forecast for the…

Rise in companies offering wellness benefits

The growing number of Brits out of work due to mental health conditions has prompted a surge in companies promoting…

The benefits of art therapy on mental health

3 Different (and Effective) Ways Art Can Be Used in Therapy and for Mental Health Support: Art is an important form…

Building resilience

Resilience is the ability to adapt to challenging circumstances without it taking too large an impact on our mental well-being.…

Premier League supports mental wellbeing

All Premier League fixtures from 6 to 15 May will be dedicated to the Inside Matters campaign, as the League…

Adolescents: Physical activity associated with better mental health

A recent study led by the University of Eastern Finland suggests that regular leisure-time physical activity, even in small doses,…

The positive impact of gardening

The positive impact of gardening on mental, physical, emotional health: Choosing gardening as your hobby can help you spend more…

Ways to Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Prolonged stress is bad for us. Stress can manifest itself as a physical and mental health problem. Stress also causes…

Mental health: Supporting youngsters

Many children and young people struggle with their emotions and behaviour.  We know that the majority of mental health conditions…

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