lung disease

Have faith in the BLF Breath Test

Lung disease is a major killer in the UK and it’s crucial to get early diagnosis and treatment. Sadly, too…

A Christmas carol for lung health

Singing carols at Christmas is a pleasure enjoyed by many, but singing of all kinds can be a health boon…

Lung disease should be prioritised

Every five minutes in the UK, one person dies from lung disease, a statistic that underlines the massive impact of…

COPD – the vital role of GPs

Many people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease are diagnosed at a late stage of the condition where it has already…

Pioneering lung study in Salford

Take one city, 233,900 inhabitants, 3000 trained healthcare professionals and study facilitators and 235 million rows of data, and you have…

Taking heart about breathlessness

When a patient comes to see me complaining of unexplained breathlessness, different possibilities immediately go through my mind. The first…

Coming up for air

I would like to thank Public Health England and the British Lung Foundation, in helping to raise awareness about the symptoms…

Don’t ignore bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis is a chronic lung disease which affects one in 1000 adults causing permanent enlargement of the airways which leads…

Listen to your Lungs

We all feel breathless sometimes but we also know when our breathlessness is not normal. It may be the first…

Diagnosing lung disease

People who suffer from chronic breathlessness may not always think to mention it to a GP. They assume that it…

Lung conditions are serious too

Every five minutes in the UK, one person dies from lung disease, a statistic that underlines the massive impact of…

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