
Pregnancy: 5 first aid adaptations

Pregnancy can be an exciting time for new parents, but for many it brings many worries. There are some adaptations…

Everything you need to know about heat exhaustion

Hot summer days can be lovely, providing you have the opportunity to enjoy them and are able to cool down…

There is no such thing as a simple faint

One in two of us will faint at some time in our life and think nothing of it; for others…

Reducing misdiagnosis and sudden cardiac death

Reducing misdiagnosis and sudden cardiac death: Working together with individuals, families, and medical professionals to offer information and support on…

Heat exhaustion treatment and recovery

Everything you need to know about Heat Exhaustion - Temperatures are rising this week in the UK. Hot summer days can…

Take Fainting to Heart

Our message this World Heart Rhythm Week (4-10 June) is Take Fainting to Heart – there is no such thing…

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