
New algorithm for the diagnostics of dementia

New algorithm for the diagnostics of dementia: A top-level international research team including researchers from the University of Eastern Finland…

Type 2 diabetes and dementia

New research could help find ways to prevent dementia in people with type 2 diabetes New research, presented at DUKPC…

Gene therapy: glaucoma and dementia

Gene therapy research repairs nerve transport systems damaged by glaucoma and dementia: Results of the pre-clinical study, led by Professor…

How the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s Disease

New discovery for how the brain ‘tangles’ in Alzheimer’s Disease: University of Queensland researchers have discovered a new ‘seeding’ process…

Diabetes increases neuritic damage in Alzheimer’s

New research from the University of Eastern Finland explores the role of diabetes in the cellular and molecular changes underlying…

Advice for caregivers of people with dementia during COVID-19

https://youtu.be/SAhEDIWbnSM Caregivers of people with dementia are facing new challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. This video provides practical advice to…

Alcohol related dementia: Vitamin B1 deficiency

A common consequence of chronically high alcohol consumption is a decline in cognitive function, which can even progress to full-blown…

Links between diabetes blood markers and Alzheimer’s

A new study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease provides insight into the association of blood markers of diabetes…

Use of antiepileptic drugs with Alzheimer’s warning

Antiepileptic drugs are associated with a higher risk of mortality in persons with Alzheimer's disease. The use of antiepileptic drugs…

Dementia under coronavirus lockdown

Dementia under coronavirus lockdown: the moving accounts of those striving to be heard. University of Bradford helps give voice to…

Serum Neurofilament a Discriminative Biomarker Between Frontotemporal Dementia & Psychiatric Disorders

Early symptoms of frontotemporal dementia are often confused with symptoms occurring in psychiatric disorders. Reporting their findings in Journal of…

Protein tangles linked with Dementia

Scientists have visualised for the first time protein tangles associated with dementia in the brains of patients who have suffered…

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