autoimmune disease

New drug expands treatment opportunities for rheumatoid arthritis

In its final Phase III clinical trial, a new drug for treating rheumatoid arthritis has proved to be at least…

Immune-suppressing drugs and booster vaccination

Interrupting treatment of immune-suppressing medicines, doubles antibody response to COVID-19 booster vaccination: A major clinical trial, led by experts at…

Working to stop MS in its tracks

Working to stop MS in its tracks: On World Brain Day (22 July), work continues to diagnose multiple sclerosis (MS)…

Multiple sclerosis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

https://youtu.be/yzH8ul5PSZ8 What is multiple sclerosis? Multiple sclerosis is a chronic and progressive neurological disease that results in neuronal cell death,…

Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week

This week marks Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Week, a week dedicated to increasing the profile of a frequently misunderstood disease that…

A happy gut is an anti-inflammatory gut

Study discovers the link between an the anti-inflammatory gut and seratonin. The scientific journal, Cell Metabolism publishes this April, the…

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