Overriding our genetic blueprint

Your wellbeing has far more to do with what you make of your compelling possibility than how you make do with your genetic blueprint.

Whilst still a relatively new science, epigenetics featured on the front cover of Time magazine as far back as January 2010. Epigenetics is a new area of scientific study which investigates our genes, and the way in which they influence our lives. ‘Epi’ means above, so epigentic control means control over our genes. This science is putting forward a potent argument for the fact that our genes are effectively turned on or off according to our quality of mind, our lifestyle habits and our environment.

This science is putting forward a potent argument for the fact that our genes are effectively turned on or off according to our quality of mind, our lifestyle habits and our environment.

Some experts are even saying that 98 per cent of our genes can be influenced by outside factors.

According to Nessa Carey, in her book The Epigenetics Revolution:‘In short, epigenetics is where nature meets nurture. The grounds for excitement stem from the fact that this old and frequently sterile dichotomy is now being fleshed out with real knowledge of how genes are controlled and how they respond to life situations.’

It was Einstein who said, ‘The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.’ In simple terms what this means is that invisible forces are responsible for shaping the physical world. Echoing Einstein’s words, modern scientific experts such as Bruce Lipton are telling us that ‘energy and information fields’, not genetics, drive human physiology and biochemistry.

In other words, our thoughts, our attitudes and our perceptions about life (quality of mind) are primary in shaping the way that our genes express themselves. Some scientists are even saying that it is consciousness itself that creates the material world.

This is a wonderful example of how modern science is increasingly pointing backwards to ancient wisdom. Great masters have long said that our mind, once calm and focused, has the power to override our biology, and influence our surroundings.

Great masters have long said that our mind, once calm and focused, has the power to override our biology, and influence our surroundings.

They recognized that we each have a vibrating energy field, principally shaped by the quality of our mind, which impacts upon everything within and around us. So when we think positive or negative thoughts, each has a different impact on our inner, and surrounding, environment.

Our mental and emotional states are also key to our healing, because of the way in which they impact upon our subconscious mind and the systems of our body. When we acknowledge this role, we’ll understand how important it is that we don’t attach to negative thoughts and beliefs about our sickness, and therefore impede our own healing.

As Dr Mercola said: ‘If your thoughts and emotions play such a significant role in modifying your biology and your health (and I believe they do), then treating your emotions becomes an essential part of optimal health.’

It’s for precisely the reason that we are so impacted by our belief systems (positively and negatively) that I suggest that the placebo effect – our natural healing capacity – has the potential to be the strongest medicine that we have.

The placebo effect is proof of the fact that Mother Nature has everything under control. Her modus operandi is to always seek harmony, to rebalance what is out of balance, and to heal what is sick. This wonder of nature means that a fundamental element of the healing process is our own mind. The natural healing process is enhanced by both our calmness of mind, and what we believe to be true. For this reason, it’s extremely important that we have confidence in the healing system, the healer, and indeed your own part in the process.

You can listen to Chris Nelson’s podcast here which discusses the relationship between modern medicine and the ancient healing arts, including a guided meditation:

Chris Nelson: Chris is the Founder and CEO of SOAR App, and is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker and yoga teacher. He’s been creating businesses around natural healthcare for 25 years, and founded the Ashiyana Retreat Village – one of the best known yoga and healing centres in the world, soon to open in Brazil and Spain. Chris’s first book – Wake-Up and SOAR (Watkins, 2016) is a practical guide to mastering your wellbeing.

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