Royal Society of Medicine

Babies – Their Wonderful World

The BBC2 series, Babies – Their Wonderful World, which airs for the next few weeks, draws on a wealth of…

Children are half of sport injury-related A&E attendances

The high burden of sport-related injuries on children has been highlighted by new research published by the Journal of the…

How to tackle workload crisis in primary care

The growing workload crisis in NHS primary care could be helped by the systematic integration of community health workers at…

Not just what you eat but when you eat

Not just what you eat but when you eat influences body weight. Some of the recent science relating to this topic…

Dame Stephanie Shirley: in praise of the RSM

Dame Stephanie Shirley, CH, thinks the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM) has been well worth joining. Some years ago, I was…

Spotlight on knife crime

The current epidemic of knife crime in the UK raises a number of issues surrounding causation, prevention, and from a…

Migrants mental health at the RSM

When it comes to various psychiatric illnesses migrants suffer more from conditions including depression and anxiety than the indigenous population…

The human microbiome at the RSM

Human beings are each colonised by trillions of bacteria living on surfaces such as the skin, the genitorurinary tract and…

Alternative ways to manage long-term pain

When managing long-term pain in the pain clinic, we rely on all our skills as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists and…

Dr Huda Taha: the end of HIV debate

Dr Taha Huda, a member of the Royal Society of Medicine's sexuality and sexual health council, was one of the…

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