
Innovative tool predicts Buruli ulcer outbreaks

Innovative tool predicts Buruli ulcer outbreaks in Victoria, Australia. Researchers have developed a surveillance system capable of detecting elevated risks…

Tick tock – the liver controls the circadian clock

Tick tock – the liver controls the circadian clock: University of Queensland-led research has revealed liver cells influence the body’s…

Global network to detect and prevent infectious disease threat

WHO and partners are launching a global network to help protect people from infectious disease threats through the power of…

Preventing an mpox resurgence this summer

An mpox resurgence in the European region this spring and summer? To prevent that, key measures must continue. One year…

Topic: Simple steps to get ahead this hay fever season

Simple steps to get ahead this hay fever season: Hay fever is a common allergic condition that affects approximately a…

Solving the problem of youth vaping

Solving the problem of youth vaping: A University of Queensland researcher said current Australian laws were failing to prevent young…

First human trial of new Zika vaccine

The first participant has received a dose of a new Zika virus vaccine being trialled by the University of Liverpool…

Advances in Motor neuron disease treatments

Advances in Motor neuron disease treatments: Research at The University of Queensland could eventually help develop viable treatments - and…

Climate change and the risk of mosquito-borne disease

The University of Glasgow – in collaboration with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and UK Centre for Ecology &…

Malaria vaccines need modern logistics

As we approach World Malaria Day on April 25, it is important to consider the issues and solutions in the…

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