
A century of public health marketing

Dig for Victory, Measles is Misery, Don’t Die of Ignorance; over the past century, these public health messages have frightened,…

Global analysis of deaths from chronic diseases

Most nations falling short of UN targets to cut premature deaths from chronic diseases. People in the UK, US and China…

Living with Buildings – exhibition

How do buildings affect our health and wellbeing? A major new exhibition ‘Living with Buildings’ curated by Emily Sargent, opening…

Brazilian butt lifts – the bottom line

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) procedures have become plastic surgery's public enemy number in 2018. But it's my view that we give…

Nursing during the 1918 flu pandemic

A new exhibition opening at the Florence Nightingale Museum, in the basement of St Thomas’s Hospital, London, on 21st September…

Christopher Exley on the Aluminium Age

Del Bigtree of Highwire interviews Prof Christopher Exley, following the 2018 11th Autoimmunity Congress held in Lisbon, Portugal. https://youtu.be/ZeORYSHoRUc By…

Why is autism missed in girls?

Social Masking: Why is autism missed in girls? Is autism really more common in males or is there another reason…

Autism and Mental Health Conference 2018

Lorraine MacAlister is an autism training consultant and will co-chair the upcoming Autism and Mental Health Conference on the 12th…

Measles is back

Measles cases across Europe have hit a record high, causing 37 deaths this year. New figures from the World Health Organisation…

Aluminium and multiple sclerosis

In a recent post - A role for aluminium in multiple sclerosis, we highlighted that individuals with multiple sclerosis excrete high…

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