
Opioid analgesics increase the risk of pneumonia among persons with Alzheimer’s disease

Opioid analgesics were associated with a 30% increase in the risk of pneumonia in persons with Alzheimer’s disease, a recent…

Let’s Not Be Quick To Dismiss ‘Breast Implant Illness’

Breast Implant Illness, or BII, is so far little known in the UK but has exploded in the US in…

Caterpillars could hold the secret to new treatment for Osteoarthritis

A substance from a fungus that infects caterpillars could offer new treatment hope for sufferers of osteoarthritis according to new…

Infectious diseases could be diagnosed with smartphone in sub-Saharan Africa

A new Imperial-led review has outlined how health workers could use existing phones to predict and curb the spread of…

The fight against neglected tropical diseases

African countries with modest national incomes are outperforming some richer nations on the continent in the fight against diseases of…

Raynaud’s Awareness


Brexit could lead to thousands more heart attacks

Brexit could contribute to thousands more deaths from heart attacks and strokes by 2030, new research has found. In one…

New blood tests to accurately diagnose TB

New blood tests for TB could accelerate diagnosis and save the NHS money, according to new research. Rapid blood tests…

Urine is liquid gold when it comes to testing

Urine is arguably the most common diagnostic tool in routine medicine, with around 65m collected for tests every year. Given…

Poor children get more decay

Young children of parents who cannot afford to put healthy food on the table are significantly more likely to suffer…

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