
Arterial stiffness may cause and worsen heart damage among adolescents

Arterial stiffness is a novel cause of premature heart damage among adolescents, according to a new follow-up study. The study…

Dementia risk differs between sex and gender identity, study suggests

Dementia risk differs between sex and gender identity, study suggests: Transgender and non-binary adults may be at higher risk of…

Cancer rates doubles for homelessness

Cancer is twice as likely to affect people experiencing homelessness (PEH) as members of the housed population. The disease is…

Peritoneal dialysis: New treatment option against infections

Peritoneal dialysis: New treatment option against infections: Inflammations of the peritoneum (peritonitis) are as frequent as they are feared complications…

How avocados help keep your digestive system happy and healthy

How avocados help keep your digestive system happy and healthy: An ever-growing amount of research points to the significant role…

LEZ and CCZs linked with public health benefits

Measures to reduce congestion and air pollution from vehicles in major cities can have a beneficial impact on health outcomes,…

Mitofusin 2: Mechanism behind intracellular connection

Scientists Unveil the Mechanism Behind Intracellular Connection: Mitofusin 2 is the Lock and Key. Researchers at IRB Barcelona, the University…

How to avoid exercise related injuries

We are well-aware of the health and well-being benefits of regular exercise. However, sometimes making time and taking the additional…

Taking higher-than-recommended doses of vitamin D for five years reduced the risk of atrial fibrillation

Taking higher-than-recommended doses of vitamin D for five years reduced the risk of atrial fibrillation in older men and women,…

Playing golf had a positive impact on older Finnish golfers’ physical activity

The physical activity of older golfers in Finland increased and their quality of life remained on a good level despite…

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