
Venomous Bites and Stings Day a timely reminder

School venom research experts welcome new awareness day to help Australians better prepare for run-ins with venomous creatures this summer.…

UK participants for stammering gene study

UK participants needed to help discover genes behind stammering. More than 1500 adults and children from the United Kingdom are…

Cryptocurrency gambling with young people’s mental health

Cryptocurrency trading could be linked to problem gambling, anxiety and depression in young men, University of Queensland research has found.…

Viruses can ‘hitchhike’ on microplastics

Microplastics are not just tiny particles that can be ingested, they can also carry viruses, a University of Queensland study…

‘A silent killer’ – COVID-19 shown to trigger inflammation in the brain

‘A silent killer’ - COVID-19 shown to trigger inflammation in the brain: The UQ team was led by Professor Trent…

Link between sleep apnoea and dementia

UQ study explains link between sleep apnoea and dementia: Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered a link between…

Genetic testing to identify cardiomyopathy in kids

Genetic testing can diagnose cardiomyopathy – a disease of the heart muscle – in children and help detect who will…

Sensory overload insights

Processing everyday sensory information can be difficult for autistic people. Any of their senses may be over- or under-sensitive, or both, at…

A.R.T. training as internal martial arts

For people who train in the martial arts one of the most important principles is the relationship between stillness and…

Medicinal cannabis study for children in palliative care

Medicinal cannabis study into easing symptoms of children in palliative care: A pilot study will explore the use of medicinal…

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