Professor Chris Exley

Christopher Exley on the Aluminium Age

Del Bigtree of Highwire interviews Prof Christopher Exley, following the 2018 11th Autoimmunity Congress held in Lisbon, Portugal. https://youtu.be/ZeORYSHoRUc By…

Aluminium and multiple sclerosis

In a recent post - A role for aluminium in multiple sclerosis, we highlighted that individuals with multiple sclerosis excrete high…

Aluminium and autism: what next?

Publication of our recent research on aluminium and autism  has prompted myriad questions not least of which being ‘what next?’…

Autism and aluminium: The din of silence

Sometimes silence can speak volumes. In December 2017, we published in a highly reputable journal our research suggesting a link…

Aluminium and autism

Does human exposure to aluminium  have a role to play in autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Research at Keele University published in…

A role for aluminium in multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a devastating disease of the central nervous system and affects approximately 100,000 individuals in the United…

Airborne aluminium exposure

The dangers of airborne aluminium exposure may yet be felt by the Grenfell survivors and nearby residents of Grenfell Tower.…

Antiperspirants do increase risk of breast cancer

Antiperspirant use is a risk factor for breast cancer, according to scientists. We recently learned that the Swiss government was…

No aluminium, no Alzheimer’s disease

The Emperor is Naked: No aluminium, no Alzheimer’s disease. This is the, perhaps unexpected, conclusion of a new open access paper…

Swiss move to ban aluminium in antiperspirants

The Swiss are worried about the role that antiperspirants, and specifically aluminium salts in antiperspirants, may play in breast cancer,…

Aluminium adjuvants in vaccines

How do you express a legitimate concern about aluminium adjuvants in vaccines without being labelled as ‘anti-vaccine’? We are studying…

The Aluminium Age

We are living in The Aluminium Age. Throughout the history of humankind we have lived through various ‘metal ages’ including…

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