David Nott Foundation

TRAINING WAR DOCTORS, SAVING LIVES Our mission is simple – to save victims of conflict and natural disaster by better-equipping the doctors who care for them

Anaesthesia course in Moldova

In the wake of the escalating conflict in Ukraine, Moldova, a neighbouring country, is grappling with the concern of being…

MedGlobal Conference 2023: Building resilience amidst disaster

MedGlobal Conference 2023: Building resilience amidst disaster - We’re back from Chicago, after two days at MedGlobal’s Annual Conference 2023.…

Syrian doctors upskilled to screen and treat women with cervical cancer

Dr Saladin Sawan, Consultant Surgeon in Gynaecological Oncology and one of our faculty trainers, recently returned from a surgical mission…

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war

Our action in response to the Israel-Gaza war.  As a humanitarian organisation delivering surgical training to doctors in regions affected…

80 surgeons and anaesthetists upskilled in Kyiv, Ukraine

Our new Chief Operating Officer, Tim Law, recently returned from his first mission. Tim supported our trainers to deliver two…

David Nott Foundation: Becoming the calm in any storm

Dr Esayas Mustefa is the only general surgeon within a 130km radius in Ethiopia. When we trained him during one…

“The need in Syria is astonishing”

We’ve just returned from northwest Syria after training 35 local doctors to surgically treat complex wounds caused by the earthquake…

Leaving a lasting legacy with 15 Yemeni surgeons

Dr Shabnam Parkar is a Consultant Paediatric Surgeon at St George’s Hospital in Tooting. After many years treating children in…

Train the Trainers

Last month, we were delighted to hold our annual Train the Trainers course, giving 29 doctors from around the world…

Training anaesthetists in war zones

Dr Elma Wong is a consultant anaesthetist in Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust. For the past ten years, Elma has…

An evening of conversation with David Nott

An evening of conversation with David Nott: Join us and Action for Humanity for a special evening of conversation with our…

Overcoming hurdles to train doctors in Palestine

Overcoming hurdles to train doctors in Palestine: In collaboration with Juzoor for Health and Social Development and the Palestine Medical…

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