Anne Jones

Anne Jones is a renowned spiritual healer, teacher, author and inspirational speaker. Her seven books in the fields of self-development and spirituality have been translated in over 17 languages. Anne also writes under the pseudonym A.J. Pengelly. Her latest book, Master of the Keys, is an entirely new genre designed to bring symbolic thought and self-empowerment into the periphery of the mainstream. Her aim is to help others tap into their inner resources so that they too can discover their true potential. For more information please see: www.charlie-masters.com and www.annejones.org

Keeping New Year’s resolutions

Whatever your aims are, you will probably need some help as over 90 per cent of our resolutions dissolve into a…

A Healer’s Life is Gruelling

More and more people are running or setting up small healing or therapeutic businesses but the vast majority are failing…

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